Educational Resources

I have attended, taken courses from, or thoroughly checked out these educational resources. In alphabetical order:

Oregon Hypnotherapy Association

PO Box 3511
Salem, OR 97302
Learn hypnotherapy from a qualified trainer endorsed by the Oregon Hypnotherapy Association. All are nationally recognized experts in hypnotism. They offer unique blends of training methods with extensive experience. I’ve experienced their training and presentations and highly recommend them – well worth the money and time.

The Rapid Eye Institute

3748 74th Ave SE
Salem, OR 97317
Rapid Eye Technology is one of the most powerful and effective technologies for healing emotional stress available today. I used RET in my private practice – it is amazing and my clients loved it. The RET course is perhaps the most extensive, cost-effective, and pertinent I’ve ever seen. I highly recommend this school to professional healers and those looking for a career in healing.