Cut, Merge, Cube

Three imagery exercises designed to relax, heal, and feed the body/mind. (Available on CD and MP3 by Joseph Bennette at

Cut (Releasing) – to relax and release

  1. Imagine golden threads attached to the negative beliefs, pain, and traumas in your cells
  2. Imagine those golden threads coming out of every cell in your body and floating to the front
  3. Imagine a giant taking all those threads and pulling
  4. Imagine pulling those threads as far as they can go, stretching them until they are tinsel tight
  5. Let me know when they are as tight as they will go… <wait for answer>
  6. Cut them off at skin level! <“Swish!”>
  7. Repeat above script for each major and minor chakra:

a. Crown (including the energy fields)
b. 3rd Eye (including the head and brain)
c. Throat (including the neck and spine)
d. Heart (including the lungs and chest)
e. Solar Plexus (including the vital organs)
f. Lower Abdomen (including the sexual organs and bowels)
g. Base of the spine (including hips and lower bowels)
h. Knees (including the thighs)
i. Ankles (including the calves and feet)
j. Shoulders (including the upper arms and across the shoulders)
k. Elbows (including the lower arms)
l. Wrists (including the hands and fingers)

Merge (Healing) – to put the body in healing state

  1. Imagine you could take all the left-over negative or dark energy from the cells and migrate it all to one side of your body
  2. Evenly distribute the dark energy from top to bottom
  3. Imagine you could fill the other side with light and positive energy
  4. Evenly distribute the light energy from top to bottom
  5. Now you have all the dark energy evenly distributed on one side of your body while the other side is filled with light energy
  6. Now merge the energies from side to side – mixing the energies completely
  7. Notice how when you mix light with darkness, only the light remains (like turning on a light in a dark room)
  8. Repeat the merging 2 more times

Cube (Feeding) – to feed the body with negative energy

  1. Imagine all the negative energy we cut off earlier in a big black ball out in front of you
  2. Imagine condensing that energy into the shape and size of a sugar cube
  3. Imagine placing the cube at your perineum (the original 8 cells at the base of your spine – halfway between the genitals and anus)
  4. Stutter breathe (the breath you do when you are about to cry) 3 times:
  • a. The first breath to open the perineum
  • b. The second breath to let the body know there is food coming in
  • c. The third breath to bring in the energy and feed the body
  • Repeat the cubing process for any and all body pains, negative beliefs, other negative or hurtful feelings and perceptions


Cut – This imagery has been done with hundreds of people in acute and chronic pain – result – much lowered pain levels.

Merge – This imagery turns on the posterior pituitary, releasing youthing chemicals, turning the body alkaline (the best state for healing). Some people have experienced headaches from this segment because their pituitary glands have become calcified from lack of use in the posterior lobe (the alkaline portion). Most people spend large amounts of time in the acidic condition (fight/flight, sympathetic/parasympathetic, push/pull), and very little if any time in the alkaline (healing) condition.

Cube – This imagery feeds the body on negative energy. The body doesn’t know the difference between positive and negative energy just like a light bulb doesn’t know the difference – it’s just energy. We use the base chakra (perineum) to transmute the energy to useable form with a breath (stutter breath – the breath you do when you are about to cry) that naturally opens the perineum. Most people feel energized by this segment.

These imageries can be done individually or together.

Thanks to Deni Price and Bill Cael

This imagery is not intended to take the place of competent medical attention.