Pain Control

Therapeutic Ideas for Pain Control

  1. Thank the conscious mind for creating the pain.
    • “Thank you very much for creating this pain. For, you see, I know that pain serves a purpose, so thank you for creating the pain.”
  2. Pay attention vs. pay with pain.
    • “In life, you have to pay for things; and sometimes in life you have to pay with pain. The only reason you have to pay with pain is because, at some level, you have failed to pay attention to the needs, wants, and desires of the (body part in pain).”
  3. Pace & lead the unconscious.
    • “The very fact that you are sitting where you are sitting, hearing the sound of my voice, and going through this process means that you are now paying attention to the needs, wants, and desires of your (body part in pain).”
  4. Thank the unconscious again.
    • “So, thank you for creating the pain. You did a wonderful job, and your purpose for creating that pain has been fulfilled.”
  5. Appeal to highest prime directive of the unconscious.
    • “So, now, wouldn’t it make more sense to focus your energies on healing the body instead of hurting the body?”
  6. Tell the unconscious to let go of the pain.
    • “That’s right, just go ahead and let go of the pain. And as you continue to transfer that river of anesthesia from your hand into your (body part in pain). On a scale of 0-100, where are you at right now?”

Note: If the client does not dramatically reduce the pain at this point, address the issue of secondary gain:

  • “For the next seven nights, while you are dreaming a wonderful dream, I want your unconscious mind to generate three alternative behaviors that provide for you the same emotional benefit that you used to think the pain gave you…”
  • Create Imagery that is pleasurable for the client.
  • Give post-hypnotic suggestions to alleviate pain if it returns.

Encourage them to change their daily self-dialogue.

©Wayne Morrison