Well…just as you sit there, and I ask you now…what is reality ? I mean of course, you think you’re in front of your computer, looking at the letters of this screen. The monitor you look at, looks solid…feels solid…and…have you ever wondered if it really does exist?…Is it merely a computer construct…created…inside your mind…and tells your mind that…your touch…goes only as far as the borders…of the perceived space…that the monitor occupies…and that the rules on this matrix…are merely computer rules…and once you understand them…they can be bent and altered…just in the same way that…a programmer can tweak a…computer program…
What is reality ? Do you think you see, feel…taste…touch…smell all of these ? All of your sensory input channels working for you ? Ahhh…you cannot operate directly on the world…you operate on this world via your sensory channels…and these… are merely electrical signals…your memory are merely stored electrical signals…your thoughts…perceptions…merely electrical signals…easily created…easily manipulated…are you sure that…what you see…is actually there? What you touch…what you taste…what you smell ? Or are these merely constructed to interact with your perception of reality??
Have you ever had the feeling…that you are the central character of the world…and that the world revolves around you ? Have you ever questioned yoursef…could this be true ? Could it be ? I’ll tell you why…because it is. It is all created for you to interact in. Knowing that now…wouldn’t it be so good…if you interacted with your reality…in a way that…makes you successful…happy…and content ?
Since this is all just another “reality”…why not…move in your reality now…in a way that makes you totally fulfilled. Go for your dreams…go for your ambitions…it’s the most natural way…to interact with this reality…and in the same way…that this reality interacts with you…interact with your reality. Free your mind…and everything else follows…the matrix changes shape…and interacts with you…in the way that you believe things to be true…
What about the other people around you? Are they real ? Are they really there ? Or are they merely created constructs…to interact with your life ? Are they there to teach you… guide you…make you grow…? For all you know…the next person…is playing a different program…with a different world…with different people…his could be more pleasant…the other guy’s more miserable…and the thing is…you could ask for the program of your choice…do you want a pleasant life ? All you have to do is ask, and the operator hears…and loads the program of your choice…a success program…a happiness program…a health program…its all there for the asking…ask…and the operator loads itfor you…
How about the others who seem to be after you ? Who seem to want to put you down? Why were they created ? Oh…they were created just so to spice up your life…give you something to work for and overcome. Something to beat at, so to speak.
How about success in this matrix ? ahh well…it does seem to have its rules. But success…is merely a construct…and once you realize it, you can be as successful as you want to be…and the rules…are merely computer constructs…what is important…is what you believe…and as you believe…that you are successful…the matrix changes…and creates a new program for you…and you are successful…
©Jobet Claudio