Sedona Method Techniques

Ask yourself or someone else “could you let it go…. would you? … when?”

The techniques which follow apply this in different contexts.

Goal Setting

The method covers setting up the goals so as to make them more achievable, pretty much as you would see from any technique, such as NLP’s well-formed outcome. For each goal you check what your current feeling about the goal is… and then let it go. The aim here is to remove the wanting component from goal setting since this affirms the lack. When you are balanced emotionally about achieving the goal, then it makes it more likely that you will achieve it. An example being when you encounter a salesman who appears to be desperate to make the sale… their desperation makes them less likely to make the sale.

The method also covers setting up action plans for achieving the goal, and for each action on the list, you assess your current feeling about it and let it go. One refinement is that you release all the have-to’s on your way to achieving the goal.


The method states that there are three underlying wants that motivate all feelings:

  • – wanting approval
  • – wanting control
  • – wanting security

Advantages/Disadvantages technique

In this technique you analyze something that you want – a goal again – in terms of advantages and disadvantages. First think of an advantage you expect to gain from the goal. Then identify the underlying want … approval, control or security. Then let go of that want.

Then find a disadvantage and do the same for that.

For example (hypothetical): I have a goal of developing my client business.


  • I will earn more money.
  • This comes from a wanting security.
  • I let go wanting security.


  • I will spend less time with my family.
  • This comes from a wanting approval.
  • I let go of wanting approval.

Then look for another advantage…

Keep alternating advantages and disadvantages until complete.